N.B. :-For descriptions...see other blog posts
Here is the complete index:
Atmel uC tutorial
- What is microcontroller and why it is used
- How to select a perfect microcontroller for your work
- Getting started with avr microcontroller
- Hardwares required
- Softwares required
- putting it altogether-test everything
- At last!!!The very first program-see it works!!!
- Input Output
- Something special-Interrupt
- Make your microcontroller count time-the Timer/Counter
- 8 bit timer
- 16 bit timer
- Project - a clock
- Special application - the PWM
- Analog to digital converter - the magical connector between analog and digital world!!
- ADC description
- Some Coding
- Project - voltimeter
- LCD Display...your monitor for uC Computer!!
- Overview
- LCD pin configuration
- Now... some coding
- Project...LCD Clock!!
- Make your uC remember things even when it's turned off - the EEPROM
- Overview
- Registers
- Some Coding
- Project...Alarm Clock
- Tick...Tick...Tick...tititi...Time to communicate with your pc...the USART
- Overview
- Serial Communication Basic
- Register
- Project...computer controlled stepper motor
- Some other uC stuffs
- Serial Peripheral Interface - SPI
- Some good tutorials on uCs